The Importance of Proper Machinery Alignment

At Pro Services, we have an Alignment Services Division that can keep your industrial machinery aligned for optimal performance and efficiency. Misaligned machinery may still run, but the misalignment can lead to serious issues if not corrected promptly and correctly. We can inspect your machinery, identify potential problems, and get critical parts realigned to keep your equipment productive and efficient while extending its lifespan. We use the latest in laser metrology technology to ensure precise alignment of your machinery to avoid any of the common problems listed below.

Misalignment Can Cause a Domino Effect

When machinery is misaligned, the added vibration can cause parts like bearings, seals, gaskets, and shafts to slowly wear down, which can eventually lead to the parts becoming damaged to the point of needing replacement. Without proper alignment, the machine may also have screws, bolts, or other fasteners become loose, making the machine unsafe and increasing the risk of it breaking down. By keeping your machinery in alignment, you can avoid this domino effect that could result in damaged parts, machinery failure, and ultimately, costly downtime for your equipment.

Keep Your Employees Safe

As you know, safety is everyone’s responsibility, and by keeping your machinery properly aligned, you are protecting your employees. Prolonged use of a misaligned machine can cause the machine to be instable, increasing the chances of a serious accident that could hurt your employees.

Maximize Your Machine’s Efficiency

The more friction cause by a misaligned machine, the harder the machine has to work in order to keep up with your production needs. Alignment will not only increase the efficiency of your production, but it will relieve stress on the motors in the machine, prolonging its life and making maintaining the machine much easier.

Deliver a Consistent Product

As a machine becomes misaligned, the performance of the machine will begin to decline. Without addressing this issue, you run the risk of difficulty producing a consistent part or component for your customers to the point that you could see more defects or even have to recall parts, which can really hurt your profits.

Keep your machinery running at peak performance. Contact Pro Services for more information about our Alignment Services division.

Alignment Services